Posts tagged Local Data Action
Aligning Bristol’s One City Plan with the SDGs

The City of Bristol in the United Kingdom has pledged its support to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and has worked to identify alignment between the Goals and the recently launched One City Plan. A mapping exercise was undertaken to identify a framework for monitoring progress against the targets embedded in both the One City Plan and the SDGs. This project was part of the LDA-SI 2018-2019 microgrant program.

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Valuing the SDGs for Localization in Patiala, India

The Community Systems Foundation’s OpenCities Institute worked with the City of Patiala in Punjab, India to develop a proof-of-concept city-level SDG data system, demonstrating the simplicity, feasibility, and value of subnational SDG monitoring through data visualization design and technology. This project was part of the LDA-SI 2018-2019 microgrant program.

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Metropolitan Localized Data in Greater Belo Horizonte, Brazil: A Participatory Strategy to Better Governance

The SDG in Action Project – a partnership between Metropolitan SDG Observatory (METRODS), University Newton Paiva, and Nossa BH Movement – developed and tested an indicator framework to monitor the achievement of SDG 11 targets in Brazil’s Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte. This project was part of the LDA-SI 2018-2019 microgrant program.

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Revising National SDG Targets for the City of Los Angeles

The Mayor’s Office of the City of Los Angeles, in partnership with local universities and with the support of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, developed a methodology to map city activities and data relevant to the SDG framework that can be used to align priorities and perspectives with global aspirations. This project was part of the LDA-SI 2018-2019 microgrant program.

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Local Action to Global Replication: How Sub-national Data Efforts Support SDG Achievement

In 2018, the Local Data Action Solutions Initiative (LDA-SI) launched a microgrant program aimed at developing sub-national solutions for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) monitoring. In this synthesis report, learn about the shared experiences and contextual differences of SDG localization in Aruba, Brazil, Colombia, England, India, and the United States.

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Calculating the Percent of Households Earning a Living Wage to Monitor Progress for Achieving SDG 8

With the support of the USA Sustainable Cities Initiative and Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance — Jacob France Institute, Baltimore developed a comprehensive set of localized indicators for achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals in Baltimore. Among the indicators is a “living wage” measure, which was developed by MIT. Learn more about the process of calculating this measure in this brief.

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Metropolitan Planning and Governance in Brazil: How the use of SDG data can help to deliver better results in public administration

In Brazil, urban areas are characterized not by individual cities but as metropolitan regions, often grouping together millions of citizens across the borders of multiple municipal governments. Recent metropolitan-led policies such as participatory planning have led to a rise of a metropolitan identity among citizens. Learn about the role of data in metropolitan policymaking in Brazil.

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Finding Sustainable Data Sources to Track Evictions to Monitor Progress for Achieving SDG 16 in Baltimore, Maryland

During the consultative process to identify locally-relevant SDG indicators for Baltimore, it became clear that not only was there no consensus of which justice-related indicators were most relevant in Baltimore, but also few (if any) datasets existed to track potentially chosen indicators over time. To focus attention on this issue, BNIA-JFI convened Baltimore’s Justice Indicators Roundtable to brainstorm a list of more than 40 potential indicators.

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